English Poems

Hello folks!

Last wednesday on my english class, my teacher Russel gave us brilliant lesson - POEMS. I love it, although I'm not so smart in writing poems. He gave us 9 examples of poem to read, but I lost one of them! Stupid-

So, here is the 8 of simple poems Russel had given to us:


The old man was my white old man

The mother was my black old mother

If I ever cursed my white old man,
I'll take the curse back
I f I ever cursed my black old mother
And wish she were in hell,
I'm sorry for that evil wish
And now I wish her well

-(no name)


Collected Speeches of P. Arthur Truscott
Travelling by Rail
Between Vladivostok and Grand Rapid Falls

We have seen the face of the enemy and it works
We have worked to see the face of the enemy
We have enemy work to be seen and faced
We have faced the enemy work and seen
We have to face the enemy and work
We have to face enemy to see
We and the enemy have to face
We face the enemy to have work
We work to have an enemy to face
We have to have an enemy to face work
We have faced the enemy work and it's a have
We have faced the work of HAVE and it's the enemy
We have the face of the enemy
Have the enemy - will face work

-Robin Thurston



In the morning the city
Spreads its wings
Making a song
In stone that sings

In the evening the city
Goes to bed
Hanging lights
About its head

-Langston Hughes



The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

-Carl Sandburg


New Notebook

in a new notebook
run, even and fine,
like telephone lines
across a shadowy landscape.

With wet, black strokes
the alphabet settles between them,
comfortable as a flock of crows.

-Judith Thurman


Little Fish

The tiny fish enjoy themselves
in the sea.
Quick little splinters of life,
their little lives are fun to them
in the sea.

-D. H. Lawrence



Where innocent bright-eyed
daisies are,
With blades of grass between,
Each daisy stands up like a star
Out of a sky of green.

-Christina Rossetti


The Sun

The sun is a glowing spider
that crawls out
from under the earth
to make her way across the sky
warming and weaving
with her bright old fingers
of light

-Grace Nichols


-Hope you like it! :)


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